Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Sex Education For The Retarded - 2081 Words

As humans, individuals with mental retardation have the right to emotionally enjoyable and socially appropriate sexual expression. Mental disabilities predispose this population to sexual risks. These individuals need to learn skills to reduce their susceptibility to sexual victimization. Because sexuality is an important aspect of any individual’s life, neglecting to provide it to those who are largely dependent on others for education and training is denying them full maturity as a person. Sex education that is tailored to their cognitive level and learning style, as well as their living arrangements is essential to protect the rights of this mentally retarded. Sex Education for the Mentally Retarded Over the last decade, American†¦show more content†¦They have similar curiosities and interests in their own bodies as well as others. Providing sex education will help them understand what happens as they mature and the decisions available to them. As these students are mixed into the mainstream of society, they need guidance to lead them to sexual fulfillment in society (May Kundert, 1996). They have the right to establish relationships with others and to be informed about their sexuality and what goes along with it. If these rights are to be maintained, we must explore sex education for them. Sex education is important for all teenagers, but it may be even more imperative for students with disabilities who do not learn well without direction (May, Kundert, Akpan, 1995). Individuals with mental retardation are reaching increasingly higher levels of independence and making greater contributions to society. They have to make more and more decisions on the job, on the street, within community living arrangements, and within relationships. With regard to most of these situations, these individuals generally do well. Shopping, using public transportation, and self-care have all been favorite targets for educational programs, and higher levels of success are often achieved. There is, however, one area in which this claim cannot be generally sustained and that is in the appropriate expression of sexuality (Brown, 1994). Sexuality,

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