Thursday, October 31, 2019

Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Technology - Assignment Example The realization of many softwares’ through computer aided designs has enabled this technology to gain popularity, with many opting to adopt it due to its overwhelming convenience. This essay discusses 3D printing including its impacts on the society and the reasons as to why this technology will do better in the near future. Basing it on other similar proven technologies that people had no idea about before their innovation, but later did well after introduction, there is no doubt that 3D printing will be a force to reckon in the near future. Keywords: 3D Printing, Remote Manufacturing, Society, Impact, Future, Technology Introduction Three D (3D) printing is the process of making three dimensional objects in solid form from a digital model (Novel, 2013). To achieve this, objects are arranged in layers and additives are used through an additive process. 3D printing process involves application of digital technology; this technology involves the use of computer files and softwa res to make desired 3D designs. Structures are made to lie on each other through computer aided designs. Blueprints are made and virtual objects are used to make hard copies created from plastics and metal alloys. 3D printing started in 1984 (Novel, 2013). 3D printing has been one of the most popular design manufacturing technologies. This is attributed to its widespread advantages; it has optimized speed, low cost, and has an ease of use. These advantages make 3D designs most important during functional testing of engineering designs, as they provide good visualization at the conceptual stages. The main strengths of 3D printing are given below: It has high innovations; it takes a short time to come out with a prototype, and the feedback included helps it have many cycles that end up with perfect designs. Designs are very clear enhancing communications; the targeted group can be easily reached, and images designs are realistic and convey more information than conventional designs. I t reduces production costs and probability of error occurrence is relatively low, because any error is identified during the earlier stages. The realistic models have won the hearts of many investors, who resolve to apply the technology to face the competitive markets. Figure showing a 3-D object printed by 3-D printer, retrieved from Novel (2013). Societal Impact with regard to 3D Printing It is hard to think that manufacturing could be done without factories and all that are entailed in the factories such as large machines, production lines, and many other manufacturing tools. The technology as at the moment is changing everything. 3D printing serves as an example of the events that are transferred from being operated in factories to more comfortable zones like homes; all that one needs is a computer and knowledge of 3D model software. It is a new reality of the modern science, whereby objects are created and can be observed as they are. While the new world is emerging, big questi ons are posed regarding the future of industries and human life. With regard to 3D printing, the industries may not be completely faced out, but their structures and faces will change (â€Å"Report-3D printing the Future of Manufacturing,† 2013). As technologies advance, several issues have to be reviewed they have a lot of impact in the society. The major effects will be felt in health, businesses, and employment. A case study of 3D bio-printing best shows the effect of this kind of

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