Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Development Of Feminism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 755 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Feminism Essay Sexism Essay Did you like this example? In first wave feminism, middle and upper-class white women were primarily concerned with gaining the right to vote. There were also concerns with womens rights to own property outside of marriage. The 19th Amendment was signed into Congress in 1920 which stated that voting could not be denied based on a persons sex. Second wave feminism expanded greatly on womens rights to include the right to safe and legal abortion, rights to equal access socially (such as women in sports), equal education opportunities, and equal job and pay opportunities. Along with other social movements of the time, like the Civil Rights Movement, second wave feminism gained victories like the Equal Pay Act that was passed in 1963 which made paying people differently based on sex illegal and the Civil Rights Act that was passed in 1964 which prohibited employers from discriminating based on race and color, religion, sex, and national origin. Another goal of second wave feminism was sexual liberty, which included abortion rights, access to contraception, fighting sexualization of the female body and promoting the normalization of sex. Second wave feminists had a tendency to be very outspoken, abrasive, and even radical in their demonstrations in support of their goals. Third wave feminism, like second wave feminism, aims to fight sexism, but also to fight racism, classism, and inequality in general for marginalized people. Third wave feminism fights gender norms, beauty norms, labels of masculinity and femininity, discrimination based on gender ident ity, to eliminate misogyny, and to bring to justice those who commit sexual violence. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Development Of Feminism" essay for you Create order There have been many women who have spearheaded feminist movements. A notable woman in first wave feminism was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the founders of first wave feminism. As noted by Paul Barnes (1999), Stanton dealt with women in politics, equal pay for equal work, the sexual double standard, child and spousal abuse, equality for women in our legal system, equality for women in education, religion, and business, [and] a womans right to ?self-sovereignty, as she called it It is obvious from Barnes summary of Stantons interests and goals in first wave feminism that she was an impressive and important figure in the 19th century womens movement. In second wave feminism, Betty Friedan, feminist and author of The Feminine Mystique, seemed to have greatly impacted the 1960s womens movement. Susan Levine (2015) notes the social movement that emerged after 1963†what historians have labeled second wave feminism†drew on many of Friedans insights and created new consciousness among both men and women. Levine also notes that Friedan called for women to enter the arts, science, politics, and professions†not as careerist ventures but in order to be a part of human social life. Betty Friedans book, The Feminine Mystique has been a powerful guide for feminists from the 1960s on. One of my favorite and most inspirational (to me) third wave feminists is Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I was introduced to Chimamanda during my Gendered Communication class when we were assigned a 2013 TED Talk video titled We Should All Be Feminists. The entire speech is truly amazing, but one of my favorite parts is when she talks about how we need to raise our boys and girls differently in regard to masculinity and femininity and what gender norms we impart to them. When she is talking about how girls are socialized differently from boys in their upbringing, specifically girls being taught to cook, she states: Cooking, but the way, is a very useful skill for boys to have. Ive never thought it made sense to leave such a crucial thing, the ability to nourish oneself, in the hands of others (Adichie, 2013). This statement stood out to me because, upon hearing it said out loud, made me think well, of course! And yet, household chores are commonly unequally divided in households. In my relationships, I have easily accounted for 80% or more of the household chores, even though my partner uses and benefits from the same amenities. I was raised in a household were my mother both worked and did almost all of the housework while my dad watched TV. In my current relationship, it has been a struggle to obtain equity in this area, not only because of my instincts due to my upbringing, but his as well, because of his upbringing. I greatly admire Chimamanda and am so grateful for the knowledge I have gained in my college experience. For me, Chimamanda has greatly impacted my involvement and understanding of third wave feminism and I believe she has been an inspiration to many others.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Sociological Portrait Milestone 1 - 2127 Words
Tonetta SOCIOLOGICAL PORTRAIT: MILESTONE 1 SOCIOLOGICAL PORTRAIT: MILESTONE 1 When we are born, we carry a huge cloud over our head. It stays with us our entire life until death, we all know it as socialization. Socialization is a term used by sociologist to refer to the lifelong process whereby people are made aware of the behavior that others expect of them as regards the norms, values, and culture of their society. In this paper I will talk about how my life has been affected due to socialization by my gender, race, religion and social class. I will also relate my personal experience to sociological research. As a child my life was very difficult. I was born to a young African†¦show more content†¦It took a traumatic experience for me to realize that my mother’s ideas about a women’s role was not ones that I could follow. On the day she allowed me to be raped so that her boyfriend at the time would go and buy drugs for her. She told me that if I told my father what happen, he would try and kill the man that hurt me and be arrested, then I would lose both my parents. Though I never told my father I knew from that day that I didn’t want to be anything like my mother. I never wanted to be so submissive and dependent on a man that I would give my 6 year old daughter to him so that he could take her innocence. The events of that day would go to affect me for the rest of my life. In studies of Black women’s sexuality conducted by psychologist Dr. Gail Elizabeth Wyatt, half of the women who had experienced childhood sexual abuse never told anyone and less than 5 percent ever got counseling. â€Å"African-American women are raped at a higher rate than White women, and are less likely to report it. We have SOCIOLOGICAL PORTRAIT: MILESTONE 1 suffered in silence far too long,†she says. This statement holds to be true in my situation as well. As I grew into my teenage years my life started to change. My mother decided to move to a white suburb in Long Island, New York it was my reality check on how people from other races viewed African Americans. It was the first time I experience stereotyping and racism. In this neighborhood whites people wereShow MoreRelatedMarks Spencers: the Downfall and Leadership Vacuum4650 Words  | 19 PagesMarks Spencer: The Downfall and Leadership Vacuum Word Count: 2,996 Strategic Management 1 : BSM 506 Contents Contents 2 Executive Summary 3 Section I Ââ€" Past Glory 4 Section II Ââ€" Present Failure 6 Section III Ââ€" The Value ChainÂ…Demolished 8 Section IV Ââ€" Back to the Future 10 Appendices 12 Appendix A Ââ€" PESTLE Analysis 12 Appendix B Ââ€" Porters 5 Forces 13 Appendix C Ââ€" Value Chain 14 Appendix D Ââ€" Cost Drivers and Value Drivers 15 Appendix E Ââ€" Core Competences Ââ€" MS 16 Appendix FRead MoreUGT in the 21st Century14999 Words  | 60 PagesMASS COMMUNICATION SOCIETY, 2000, 3(1), 3–37 Uses and Gratifications Theory in the 21st Century Thomas E. Ruggiero Communications Department University of Texas at El Paso Some mass communications scholars have contended that uses and gratifications is not a rigorous social science theory. In this article, I argue just the opposite, and any attempt to speculate on the future direction of mass communication theory must seriously include the uses and gratifications approach. In this articleRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesCameron.â€â€8th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-612100-8 1. Managementâ€â€-Study and teaching. 2. Managementâ€â€Problems, exercises, etc. Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2011 658.40071 173â€â€dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 SolvingRead MoreConflict Management and Emotional Intelligence63003 Words  | 253 Pages perception (Berstene, 2004),  personality (Ambe, 2004) and past rivalry (Fazzi, 2001).   The determinants of the relationship between IV emotional intelligence and conflict management strategy have been identified as (1) communication and interpersonal relationships (Esin, 1986), (2) concern for self (Frak, 2005),  (3) concern for others (Gourley, 2005) and (4) transformation and reinterpretation of the conflict situation (Kane, 2004).   Grounded Read MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pages0−390−58539−4 Management Contents Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum †¢ The Power of Management Capital 1. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My plans for the Future Free Essays
The contemporary society is a rather cruel environment. Those, who are confident, experienced and wealthy, feel at home in it, but there are people who need help adjusting to the existing conditions, and those are social workers who provide them help and support. In my opinion, children are the most vulnerable group, the one that needs the most attention and efforts from the social workers. We will write a custom essay sample on My plans for the Future or any similar topic only for you Order Now That is why I am going to work in a school setting after obtaining my MSW degree. Children, adolescents and adults are three different groups, and each of these has its specific needs. That is, in my opinion, what triggers most of the conflicts in the school setting. The social worker’s goal is to provide an environment at school that would suit the needs of all of these age groups. I also feel it is important that the social worker should provide psychological support to both the students and working personnel, for to help to solve the existing problems, and to inform their clients on the preferable behavioral strategies for to prevent the emergence of similar conflicts in future. It’s well known that the biggest part of problems students have roots in their family lives. A social worker in a school setting is providing individual and family counseling, for to assist in solving the problem. I feel I am capable of evaluating all of the aspects of problematic situation, of explaining my clients where the problem is, and of advising them on changing their behaviors. Thus, in my opinion, I would be able to cope in a school setting. It is also that I’m sure that the disabled students should be given an opportunity to get the normal education. Adapting the ordinary schools to the needs of disabled students, and adapting the students to the needs of the schools’ environment is a challenging task. I feel that schoolers are a group that needs most assistance in adapting to the surrounding world. In the same time I know I am able of coping with the tasks this position calls for. I hope I will be able to obtain the degree needed for to reach my goal. How to cite My plans for the Future, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Traditional Quality Management
Question: Using Benchmarking and a tool of your choice from the list below, critically evaluate how an organisation can successfully implement the TQM tool that you have chosen. Six Sigma Quality Circles Jidoka JIT (Just in Time) TPC (Total Product Concept) Kaizen Answer: Introduction The report discusses the different tools of total quality management in a business organization. The author in this report discusses one of the most important tools of quality management in a business organization that is benchmarking. There are some other tools that manage the total quality in the business. Some of them that are discussed in this report are Quality Circles, Six Sigma and Total Product Concept to name a few (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Firstly it has been discussed briefly about the concept of total quality management in a business organization. The total quality Management (TQM) denotes the steps that the management of the business organization takes to bring about long term success in the business by providing immense satisfaction to the customers through their services (Oakland 2014). All members in the business organisation work for improvement in the process, services and products of the company. The members also work hard for the betterment of the work culture in the business organization. All these forms a part of the total quality management in the business organization (Golder et al. 2012). Some of the marketing experts call total quality management to be total productive maintenance. Total quality management is the system of the management of an organization that is mainly customer focused (Rigby and Bilodeau 2015). The total quality management techniques utilize data, strategies and effective and significant communications to establish better discipline and work flow into the business organization. An important successor to the total quality management, the modern quality systems, consists of most of these concepts that the author discussed above ( 2016). Organization That Needs To Be Benchmarked Capgemini is the organization that needs to be benchmarked. The main step in the continuous improvement of the company is termed as benchmarking. The benchmarking of Capgemini can be used in the following ways: The benchmarking is mainly used to obtain a set of performance measures which is used to assess the level of competence as well as the effectiveness of the company. It is used in order to increase an understanding of the key cost drivers. It is used to set the target for the improvement of the performance. It is used to obtain the external viewpoint on performance. Capgemini will be able to track the development of the initiatives of improvement. Capgemini will be able to identify the trends in the industry and it will also be able to improve the standard of the performance. With the benchmarking, Capgemini will be able to obtain empirical comparison with its competitors (Susha et al. 2014). (Source: Created by the author) The five essential phases in the case of Capgemini includes the following: (Source: Created by the author) Where is it now Capgemini, one of the foremost providers of consulting, outsourcing services as well as technology in the world is located across Europe, Asia Pacific and North America. What area needs improvement Capgemini is generally a Centre of Excellence of Oil and Gas which in turn provides a full spectrum of consulting as well as the services of outsourcing to the oil and gas industry. The company has been conducting the benchmarking studies in order to identify the area of improvement since the year 1992. With the help of benchmarking, the area of strength and opportunities for improvement was analyzed. With the help of benchmarking, the manufacturers will be able to understand the individual performance against the competition as well as they will be able to identify the performance gaps. It also helps Capgemini to improve the overall decision making regarding the investments related to IT as well as outsourcing. The areas of improvement will include the metrics that consists of the sales growth as well as the improvement in the net income growth. The Organization You Will Benchmark Against The organization that will be benchmarked against Capgemini is Accenture which is a global management consulting as well as a technology services and outsourcing company and is also one of the biggest competitor of Capgemini. What do they do Accenture mainly operates in more than 200 cities over 56 countries and it consists of a labor force of more than 336,000 people. The main benchmarking process that is followed by Accenture is a five-step benchmarking process. The first step involves the process of planning with the help of which the company gathers data, defines the main person and milestone and it also execute the formal kick off and communication. As a result, this specific planning avoids the mistakes in benchmarking. The second part involves the collection of the data gathering the consolidated data and validating data as per the organizational unit. The third step includes the allocating of the consolidated data and validating data as per the organizational unit. The fourth step involves the analyzing of the results and also explaining the results qualitatively. How do they achieve it The critical benefits of Accenture are delivered with the help of benchmarking which helps to improve the operation of the organization. The benchmarking process helps the organization to discover, deliver and to maintain the enhanced value of the trade. In the first stage, Accenture launches the initiatives and devises the policies to gather the required data. As a part of this effort, the company identifies and trains the individuals who are responsible for gathering the data. In the second phase, Accenture gathers the data that needs to be evaluated. They generally do this by the collection of the standard data and formatting the template. After the collection of the data is completed, the company produces an opening benchmark in comparison with its competitor (Wu et al. 2013). Analyze Benchmarking For This Process The Type of Partner Benefits Weaknesses Internal Common culture and knowledge Low threat Channels of communication comparatively quick return Only sufficient return Fostering of complacency External Similar Constraints Comparatively low threat Consideration which are legal What are the strengths of benchmarking for this organization In order to understand the output of the competitor, it is very important to deal with the competitive analysis of benchmarking. The strengths of benchmarking in the case of Accenture are as follows: Benchmarking will be able to help the company to set the base of the improvement of the performance which will in turn help Accenture to enhance among its competitors. As a result, if Accenture can live up to the benchmark it will be able to survive in the business. Benchmarking will be able to identify the best practices of Accenture and as a result, they will help to determine what constitute the main procedure of business. Strength of benchmarking in the case of Accenture is that, it will help the company to focus mainly on the change and it will also provide the direction for the process of the change. Lowering of the cost of the labor Benchmarking will also help to lower the cost of the labor. Increase of the sales and the profits of the organization With the help of benchmarking, Accenture will be able to increase the sale of the company and in turn it will increase the profits of the organization (Zwetsloot and Bezemer 2014). The tool of job satisfaction The culture of the organization can change with the help of benchmarking. The benchmarking process will help to produce a high degree of job satisfaction (Ealias and George 2012) What are the weaknesses of benchmarking for this organization The weaknesses of benchmarking in the case of Accenture are as follows: Benchmarking in turn increases the variety of information that is mainly monitored by the management that increases the probable for the information surplus. Benchmarking can also reduce the managerial motivation if Accenture gets compared with its rival namely Capgemini (Zhu 2014). What factors will impact the use of benchmarking The factors that will impact the use of benchmarking are as follows: The policies of the management Correct data entry as well as the setup of the system Staffa and driver morale Shop organization (Camp 2013). Solution Another Tool Another tool is required in this case because there are various weaknesses that are associated with benchmarking and this can be solved with the use of another tool of the total quality management. In this case, another tool that is used is the Six Sigma (Basu and Wright 2012). What other tool do you suggest as part of a TQM system Six Sigma is suggested in this case because the top managements like Capgemini and Accenture not only initiates the development of Six Sigma, but it also plays an important role in the development cycle. Six Sigma also eradicates the prospects of defects and thus the organization establishes a close relation with both the internal as well as the external customers. Six Sigma also mainly focuses on the strategic development of the organization that is it helps the companies to focus on the correct resources that includes the right workers, the right project as well as the right tools (Furterer 2016). New Tool Recommended Tool Six Sigma helps to measure the quality and it is a data-driven approach that helps to eliminate the defects of the company. The statistical representation of Six Sigma helps to describe how the process in an organization is performing (Pyzdek and Keller 2014). Reasons for using your new tool The Six Sigma services helps Capgemini to offer a broad range of solution that will help to undertake the challenges and also helps in designing as well as adopting the innovative trade models in order to outpace the competitors (Evans and Lindsay 2014). The Six Sigma service helps Accenture to integrate and make the business of Accenture powerful. Conclusion The report summarizes the concept of benchmarking an organization as part of the total quality management. Strength of benchmarking in the case of Accenture is that, it will help the company to focus mainly on the change and it will also provide the direction for the process of the change. The company, Capgemini has been conducting the benchmarking studies in order to identify the area of improvement since the year 1992. With the help of benchmarking, the area of strength and opportunities for improvement was analyzed. Benchmarking increases the variety of information that is mainly monitored by the management that increases the probable for the information surplus. The benchmarking process helps the organization to discover, deliver and to maintain the enhanced value of the trade. In the first stage, Accenture launches the initiatives and devises the policies to gather the required data. References Basu, R. and Wright, J.N. eds., 2012.Quality beyond six sigma. Routledge. Camp, R.C., 2013.Benchmarking: the search for industry best practices that lead to superior performance. Milwaukee, Wis.: Quality Press; Quality Resources, 1989.. Ealias, A. and George, J., 2012. Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: a correlational study.Research journal of commerce and behavioral science,1(4). Evans, J.R. and Lindsay, W.M., 2014.An introduction to Six Sigma and process improvement. Cengage Learning. Furterer, S.L. ed., 2016.Lean Six Sigma in service: applications and case studies. CRC Press. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson. Golder, P.N., Mitra, D. and Moorman, C., 2012. What is quality? An integrative framework of processes and states.Journal of Marketing,76(4), pp.1-23. Oakland, J.S., 2014.Total quality management and operational excellence: text with cases. Routledge. Pyzdek, T. and Keller, P.A., 2014.The six sigma handbook(p. 25). McGraw-Hill Education. Rigby, D. and Bilodeau, B., 2015. Management tools trends 2015.London, Bain Company. Susha, I., Zuiderwijk, A., Janssen, M. and Grnlund, ., 2014. Benchmarks for Evaluating the Progress of Open Data Adoption Usage, Limitations, and Lessons Learned.Social Science Computer Review, p.0894439314560852. Wu, Y., Lim, J. and Yang, M.H., 2013. Online object tracking: A benchmark. InProceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition(pp. 2411-2418). Zhu, J., 2014.Quantitative models for performance evaluation and benchmarking: data envelopment analysis with spreadsheets(Vol. 213). Springer. Zwetsloot, G.I.J.M. and Bezemer, R.A., 2014. Benchmarking safety culture in major hazards industries in the Rotterdam area (The Netherlands). In16th Process Plant Safety Symposium 2014, PPSS 2014-Topical Conference at the 2014 AIChE Spring Meeting and 10th Global Congress on Process Safety, 755-768. AIChE.
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